Sunday 22 April 2007

Historian - Professor Kee Ae Ra


In this webpage, you will be able to find out

The History of Evolutionary Thoughts

Scientific theories can never be come up out of nowhere, and Darwin’s evolution theory had also carefully considered and eliminated many other previous scientists’ work in the development of this theory. You should take note that these scientists and philosophers' theories and ideas were formulated provided with limited scientific tools and information available at that period of time.

The most prevailing theory that existed before Darwin had formulated his theory was the Lamarkian theory. There were many theories and evolutionary thoughts other than Lamarkian theory. As you read on, you would read about the history of evolutionary thoughts and you would be able to find out about how evolutionary thoughts of various scientists and philosophers have changed through time, leading to Darwin’s evolutionary theory by Natural Selection.

Sources of pictures

Posted by evolutionrocks at 06:12

Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 – 1912) – the one with a similar theory as Charles Darwin

There is another scientist of Darwin’s
era who thought of almost the same idea of evolution as Darwin! He is none other than, Alfred Russel Wallace (January 8, 1823 – November 7, 1913). Wallace worked as a professional animal collector in Malay Archipelago. Both Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace worked independently and obtained the same conclusion about the theory of evolution by Natural Selection, “the survival of the fittest”. They both had their own observations, inferences and evidences to support this theory. Wallace informed Darwin of his discovery and to Darwin’s surprise, they had the same evolutionary idea of Natural Selection! They both concluded that all species evolved from some common ancestors through natural selection whereby the environment selects the variations among the species that had resulted simply by chance. Basically, this means that all present-day organisms are the modified descendents of former existing organisms. Wallace managed to come to this evolutionary theory while reading Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population. Influenced by Malthus’ ideas, Wallace observed the nature in the Malay Archipelago and discovered that both selection and evolution occur simultaneously. He was very young then when he had come up with this rough idea of natural selection.
Darwin wanted to allow Wallace to publish the evolutionary idea first, but under Lyell’s advice, they both came forward to propose their ideas to the Linnaean Society of London in 1858. Then, he first published his completed theory of evolution, “The Origin of Species”. Since Darwin had published his idea publicly first and had won over interests of a large number of readers, Darwin became much more well-known than Wallace. Darwin’s book was also much more detailed and supported with more evidence than Wallace’s essay. However, one must remember that Darwin wasn’t the only one who had come up with the theory of evolution by Natural Selection, and that his main idea was also discovered by a young naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace.

Sources of pictures

Posted by evolutionrocks at 06:12

Religion plays a role in regards to people’s beliefs concerning the origin of life on earth

Did everything result through evolution, or was it just another creation of God?
This question threatens to destroy the world, causing a ‘battle’ between different world views. Evolution debate questions whether evolution is the truth, and the bible is just a mere out-of-date religious book. Even if evidence supporting evolution is found consistently, we must admit that evolution is certainly an idea difficult to accept worldwide. We wonder, where does God’s role come into play if evolution was the cause of the origin of life on earth? What. About. God? Who. Is. God?

Evolution is controversial as there are different religious beliefs regarding creation that many people believe strongly in. Even if scientific researches come to conclusion that evolution is true, people may not want to deny the fact that creationism was the key to the origin of life on earth as it is like proving a religion wrong. Religious people may find evolution threatening to the beliefs that they have been holding onto all the time. Since certain religions conflict with the theory of evolution, the ‘Evolution War’ is erupted, disrupting people’s mindset over whether religion or evolution gives the correct information about the origin of life. Evolution contradicts religion. This is one of the main reasons why there have been cases whereby schools do not accept evolution to be included into their education system so as not to confuse students’ religious beliefs. Do we have to choose between faith and science? Or can we work with the co-existence of both concepts?

A religion is “a set of beliefs and practices generally held by a human community” [quoted from Wikipedia]. Most religions have the general principle of origin of life on earth, creationism. Creationism is a result from the religious beliefs, “the belief that humanity, life, the Earth, and the universe were created in their entirety by a supernatural deity (typically God), the existence of which is presupposed" [quoted from Wikipedia].

So, how does religion affect people’s beliefs concerning the origin of life on earth? What is the difference between creationism and evolution?

Basically, creationism and evolution are two totally conflicting concept of the origin of life on earth. Creationism believes that God created the world while evolution states that different species

In the Bible, Genesis, it describes ‘The Beginning’ where all life was created by God. The first verse of the Bible says that ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth’. God said,
• ‘Let there be light’ ‘
• ‘Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water’
• ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear’
• ‘Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds’
• ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth’
• ‘Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky’
• ‘Let the land produce living creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind’
• ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground’
[The above quotes are sourced from the Holy Bible, the New International Version.]

Hence, God managed to create the world within 7 days. People who believe in religions, such as the Jewish, the Christians and the Catholics, therefore, believe that creationism was the concept behind the origin of life, whereby different types of species of living things came to life through God’s power within 7 days. This shows that there already were various species on earth in the beginning of all creations.

Other than Christianity, there are other religious beliefs that have minor differences regarding origin of life on earth:

You can see from above that most religions believe that a sacred, supernatural being was involved in the creation of life on earth.

Difference between Creationism and the theory of Evolution
While creationism was the result of God where each species was preset and placed on Earth by God, evolution was the result of unfixed species where they changed through time to form new species. the theory of evolution shows that if the environment applies a selection pressure, whereby incidences of over-production, struggle for existence, variation, survival of the fittest and the advantageous characteristics are passed onto offspring, a certain group of the population with better suited traits may be favoured. Natural selection picks out better surviving group of population, resulting in the changes in the species through time. Therefore, this natural process is self-sustaining where God and His supernatural powers are not involved in the creation of the world. Religious people would then feel offended by this fact as the Bible specifically stated that ‘God created the heavens and the earth’ ‘(I)n the beginning’ and that He had carefully selected all various types of species to be placed on earth before creating them. Hence, evolution that involves natural processes contradicts creationism, which involves supernatural powers. Then, it is not wrong to say that evolution contradicts the literal interpretation of the first part of the Genesis if taking it as an actual history.

Religion is a belief, hardly supported by any evidence but only through God’s words, such as the Bible. Science is not a belief where people’s own opinions are concerned. Science is supported by evidence which is testable, consistent, and reviewed constantly. For example, evolution can be supported by the evidences from the collection of fossils of over thousands of years. Therefore, science, such as the theory of evolution, is closer to the truth than religion. However, many religious people find it discomforting that evolution is questioning the idea of creationism, and they are becoming more committed to defending their own religion. No one can be sure anyway whether religion or evolution is the correct one. We also do not know when this Evolution Debate would ever come to an end.

However, you should know that there are scientists who believe in God and support science at the same time. Does this mean that they should throw their faith away so as to believe in science?

"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind." —Albert Einstein

Well, one should take note that science deals with physical things such as genes whilst religion is a spiritual world consisting of values and meanings of life. This is why many believe that science and religion can coexist. We do not have to take Bible as a scientific document. It is a book full of meaningful teachings for life that provides you with a sense of security and care. It is God’s words in which you believe in. You do not have to be disheartened by the fact that evolution goes against the literal interpretation of Genesis in the Bible. You can take Genesis as God’s relationships to human beings. There is no need to take Bible word for word and carry out experiments to prove them right. This is why it is a belief, faith, a religion. Religion is ethics, whereas science is the truth. We can’t make the sense out of these two, or find full links between both of them because they mean two entirely different things in life! One will not be able to get a scientific text from a religious text. Of course, not everyone would agree that science and religion should coexist. However, it is wrong for religious people to criticize the scientists without understanding the theory of evolution, whereas it is wrong for scientists to laugh at the religious people without understanding the theology behind creationism. We are only at a very beginning process of piecing the puzzle of evolution versus religion, and we should not conclude which one is the outright correct idea behind origin of life on earth. The theory of evolution is a path to be explored, and religion strengthens and helps us to further understand and explore this area regarding origin of life. We should respect both religion and the theory of evolution in their contribution to the ideas behind the origin of life on earth instead of seeing only the conflicting and contradicting side of them.

Sources of photos

Posted by evolutionrocks at 06:12

History of Evolutionary Thoughts

Wallace and Darwin

Religion vs Evolution

Complete Biology, W R Pickering, Oxford, First published in 2000
Science Encyclopedia, The Firefly, First published in 1999

All the information in this webpage is done by Kee Ae Ra (12) Class 309 for Biology PT on Evolution.

Posted by evolutionrocks at 05:59